I love what you shared here, Rachel, and the message is so needed and beautifully stated. I've never been a morning person, and I've always felt somehow "less than" because of that. I enjoyed reading about the planner, too. I always learn something new when I read your essays. XO

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<3 <3 I'm surprised you can learn anything from me considering that you hear me blab all the time, but that makes me happy. :) You should have a look at that planner and the website. The creators also do a podcast I'm going to check out.

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I'll go look at at now ... :-)

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Indeed, nicely done. Wise of you to recognize the false siren song calling you to produce, produce, produce, as if we were all on some treadmill of publish or perish or something. I know it was drilled in to my brain as an athlete - "your competitor is out there running, doing pushups, pumping iron" or whatever is necessary to get better - and while it may have been effective then, life isn't really a competition. Those folks who argue about whether it's a sprint or a marathon are both wrong. It's not a fucking race. It's a journey.

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